Back Row: Carrie Graham, Alyssa Hughes, Daniella Abelard, Cindy Bravo, Cynthia Tetteh, Maeve Maloney, Zuleika Candelaria;
Front Row: Chivelle Blissett, Leslie Rivera, Deborah Delianne, Eddie Woollacot

Welcome . . .

On May 10, 2013 ten eager students and their director Carrie Graham arrived in Cape Town to begin what is sure to be an amazing four weeks. The University of Connecticut’s Service Learning Study Abroad in Cape Town is designed to facilitate greater understanding of South Africa’s troubled past while providing opportunities to witness its vibrant hope for the future. While living, learning, and working in one of most beautiful settings in the world, students are placed at various service learning sites while participating in classes intended to help contextualize their experiences, expand their horizons and develop a deeper appreciation of what it means to be a global citizen.

As anyone who has been to Cape Town can attest, there are no words or pictures that can begin to adequately capture the beauty of the scenery or hospitality of the people here. Therefore, this blog is merely intended to provide an overview of the program and a glimpse at some experiences of students participating in this first ever 4 week "summer" program. Once again it is a privilege and honor to accompany a wonderful group of UConn students to a place I have come to know and love.

In peace, with hope, Marita McComiskey

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Leslie on lessons learned

Hearing about poverty in South Africa and seeing it at first hand are two completely different feelings. At first when the housing in Africa was discussed it didn’t really affect me emotionally. Of course I felt bad and wondered why they live in those kinds of conditions. When actually standing there staring at the poorly built and condensed houses, my heart sank and I could not control my emotions. I felt angry, heartbroken, and devastated. Angry because I could not do anything to help them as well as angry because their own government obviously finds nothing wrong with the conditions since they have provided electricity lines for the townships.

Seeing this kind of housing hit me hard because in America those kinds of houses do not exist in my neighborhood. Although we have what is called the “ghetto,” it is nothing compared to what I have witnessed in my time in Cape Town. What was more surprising is that although the housing is worse in Africa, the people are more humble than we Americans. I have seen that these people who have nothing and have gone through so much still possess hope, happiness, and have so much to give. Even though they do not have much, they will willingly share.

I think my time in Africa has taught me manners that I have learned as a child but had forgotten. It has also taught me a new kind of strength and hope. I say this because when I go through stress or a hard time, I think the world is coming to an end right before my eyes. Now, I look at struggles and a sign of prosperity to come. Two people whose stories taught me all this are Joseph and Tameron. They have gone through so much and yet they have still managed to keep their heads up high, stay in school, and they have the brightest personalities ever. I will never forget their stories and they truly are my inspiration.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Zuleika's Homestay Experience

At first I have to admit I was a bit scared of staying over someone’s house especially a family that I never meet before. It was comforting that I did not have to stay there alone and it helped us get closer. I remember staying up with Alyssa and talking about the experience. It helped us talk things through and see each others perspectives. Not only did Alyssa and I get close but it surprised me how easy it was to get close to the family. The family acted so normal as if strangers weren’t in there home but they did treat us as guest. By this I mean when we sat down to eat, the family had us choose our food first and let us choose what we wanted to do. They were very open to any questions we had and actually were the ones encouraging us to ask all types of questions. One question that the father asked me was what were my expectations before coming to South Africa and this was a question asked many times. It’s as if everyone knows what Americans been taught except ourselves. The funny thing was my parents and the people around me were the ones with the wrong expectations. After talking with the group their family and friends were more afraid of what South Africa is like then ourselves. The father asked in a joking manner if we expected to see animals walking around and that is what some people asked me when I came back home.
Overall, I did enjoy my homestay and a lot of that had to do with the family being so open and loving. Since the family had done this program before they were able to make us feel at home and not as if we were in the way. One of the experiences I did enjoy was going to church with them and because the church did the sermon in english we were able to understand. I especially got excited when I was able to sing along to one of the songs. It showed that with countries so far apart we are still able to share things. If I could do the homestay again I would ask more questions and try to have more conversations with the parents.

Daniella on the sounds of Africa

the sounds of South Africa

Cape Town is filled with so much rich culture and heritage, ranging from their foods, clothing, languages, and my personal favorite music. Cape Town had such a rich sound of music. They has a real passion for jazz music. We had the wonderful opportunity to go to not one but two jazz venues to watch live bands perform. The first place we went to was Lounge 021 at Swingers. It was a cool atmosphere with the dim lighting and light up stage. We ordered food and drinks and watched the show in amazement. Some of the musician were from the local university. They probably around my age, but possessed so much talent. The jazz music was so calming and relaxing. It was nice just listening to the instruments play so beautifully together. The next jazz place we attended was Blue Chip Jazz Cafe, which had a similar atmosphere. Each venue had a live band that played incredible music. At Blue Chip there was a dance floor, where people would gladly get up and dance to the jazzy tunes. The best part about both places is that people were invited up to perform if they pleased. So audience members, one including Alyssa, were able to also showcase their many talents. The audience members were so gracious and nice and to every and anyone who wanted to perform. One of my happiest moments was going to the Barnyard Musical. I enjoyed this so much. I loved all of the performances and they even did an encore number which was so amazing and nice of them to do. It was such a lively space with wonderful music. I also cannot forget about the AIDS Awareness concert we attended on our final night in Cape Town. It was mind blowing. I secretly always wanted to be a dancer, and these performance just brought back that desire. Music is in a sense universal, because whether I am in the van listening to the radio, out on Long Street, or watching television I would always hear a familiar song that I've heard in the US. This was definitely a comforting feeling for me to know that we do have some music in common. I have to say that the people in Cape Town have to be some of the most talented individuals I have ever met. At City Mission Educational Services where I did my service learning hours, the students were amazing actors, actresses, dancers, and singers. I was always blown away by their talents. The music aspect of Cape Town will always stay close to my heart.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Alyssa: Appreciate your house

Informal Settlement in Khayletisha
In life we are told to appreciate what we have as far as opportunities, belongings and family. What if you have nothing? What if the closest bond you have to anything is the stray, scrawny dog in the streets of the slums you reside in? What if you're working two jobs under the table to provide all of your children with one hot meal a day and still making sure that your living conditions do not affect their access to education? From my experience in Cape Town, the answer to these questions became extremely evident. When you have nothing, you appreciate everything.

Alyssa with her sisters in New York

Growing up as a kid in Far Rockaway Queens, New York my parents raised my two sisters and me in a ghetto called, “Augustina Projects.”  We later moved to Waterbury, Connecticut in search for a better environment to live in. Now I often wonder if this may have been one of the worst decisions we have ever made. Moving to Connecticut without a doubt did give us more opportunity and confidence to walk our streets but admittedly it too caused my siblings and me to be greedy, selfish and unappreciative. 

I am not ashamed to admit this because leaving New York took away my chances of struggling but having what we unfortunately most admired about Connecticut taken away, allowed me to become a better person. 

Alyssa's old house
The three residences in Waterbury which have dramatically affected me were: an apartment condominium, a house and apartment house. For many years we lived in apartment condominium which was perfect for our size family, consisting of 4 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, living room, kitchen and a huge basement. My mom always worked countless hours making sure she provided us with necessities. We still were not satisfied and always complained to my mother about buying a house. Finally, pushed to her limits my mother decided to go ahead and do a “rent to own” house. This house was huge!!!!!!!!!!! It had 8 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, living room, dining room, basement, kitchen, tremendous back/front yard and a garage. We were living the “American Dream”. But things became rough and heating the house with oil was expensive. My mom did not want to put the family in jeopardy for such a home we did not need. Our final move and current residence is in an apartment house on the first floor. I hated this apartment and my mother knew that since we pulled up to it with U-Haul truck. It was ugly and secluded. I used to tell her, “Why are you making us suffer living here?!”

Some homes in Khayelitsha
Little did I know I had no clue as to what “suffering” was until I saw a township in Cape Town. The visit opened my uneducated eyes to homes I was not aware existed. Something I despise in America is like paradise to some people in Africa. I instantly felt ashamed of all the comments I made towards my mother about our residence in Connecticut.When I felt cold in my room in Cape Town, I wondered how cold people of Khayletisha were feeling. When it stormed at one point during the visit requiring some to leave the homes they built from scratch and and even resulting in some deaths, I wondered about the storms in Connecticut. I wondered about how lucky I truly was and from that very moment I was appreciative. 

Every day while in Cape Town, the townships were on my mind. Every time we passed one, even if I saw it a thousand times, I could not stop looking, wondering what I could do to help.

Within only a week, this was my response to my introduction of Khayelitsha:

Something terribly is wrong, so wrong that the depth has caused me to think more and sleep less. What does it really mean to live happy? I wonder if this trip for me has become a life changing experience within only a week. I am afraid of ever losing this feeling I have now while in Cape Town: the feeling of fear. I fear that another child will walk the streets of Khayelitsha with no shoes or that another man dressed in rags will sleep outside cold again near the robots will a “Please Help” sign being ignored by every passerby and drivers on the street. I fear that when I go back to the “land of the free and the home of the brave” people in South Africa will remain enslaved by poverty and HIV. I fear that this will be only be an “experience” without change, something I do not want. Beyond the “poor” people with “poor” health and “poorly” built shacks lies something however we cannot see; happiness. Khayelitsha has a community bond like no other American community. Children with little linen wake up every morning being sure their uniform is neatly pressed and walk miles just for an education that some Americans take for granted. We don’t see the smiles on the faces of the families or workers of the community’s support team such shoe repairs or hair salons creating a place where people can be comfortable. We are blind to the happiness of Khayelitsha because we come from a place where “struggling” to us was like heaven in their eyes. In connection, Mandla (one of the workers at Treatment Action Campaign who took time to talk to us about the work they do) emphasized how there are the “two worlds” in Africa, explaining, “White people are living in Heaven in Rondebosch (one of the Southern Suburbs were students stayed) while we in Khayelitsha are living in hell.” Even through this is tragic however, a “frown” in this township still does not exist. Some of us still do not understand the cycle of struggling or of fighting for what you feel strongly about. But Mandla also explained to us, “The people of Khayelitsha are neither hopeless nor helpless; we are overcoming!”

Friday, June 21, 2013

Cindy's experience to remember

Cindy & Chantel
Looking back, the homestay was one of the best experiences I had while in Cape Town. Cynthia and I stayed in Ocean View with Chantel Daniels and her family. When we first arrived I wasn’t sure what to expect because when people mention the word township it automatically makes me think of poverty, small-unfurnished homes, and unstable conditions. However, this was nothing like that Chantel welcomed us in with open arms as did her parents and I really felt right at home. That night we ate dinner together as a family and her mother even asked us what food preferences we had so that she could cook us food we’d like for the following days. The next day we woke up and went to our volunteer placements; we were at the Green Curtain Project, which is a preschool/kindergarten for children in the area. They were all so precious; I really enjoyed my day with them. I assisted the teacher and then played outside with the children until it was naptime. After naptime the parents came and picked up their kids and because it was a Friday it was also a shortened day for the children. 

Later that day we went to a communal dinner at one of the host parents’ houses’, the food was amazing and everyone was so willing to give. I really enjoyed that night we all got to spend it together and spent a lot of time conversing. That is also where I met the cutest and most playful dog named Max! I loved his company that night, although he wasn’t supposed to be in the house!

On Saturday Chantel brought us to the mall and we shopped around for a bit then we ate lunch at McDonalds. It was unbelievable how many people ran into Chantel, literally everywhere we went someone knew her! It’s such a tight knit community that almost everyone knows each other, so we got to meet quite a few people that day. Finally, on Sunday morning we went to church. I truly loved it, I was able to relate to what the pastor was preaching and although it was a two-hour service it didn’t feel like it was because I was so engaged. Afterwards we went back to Chantel’s house and her mother made us lunch; it was fried chicken and potatoes! One of our preferences that we had mentioned earlier that weekend, I was surprised yet appreciative. I was so happy to have been able to spend a short weekend in Ocean View. I learned that you make with what you have and appreciate the things you do have. I also learned the importance of respecting your elders by addressing them as auntie or uncle. This is definitely an experience I’ll always remember.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Leslie learning from personal stories

When Tony first came in I thought, “Here we go another history lesson on what we have just learned.” From the moment he brought in a guitar I knew things would get interesting. Within the first ten minutes we were all singing an Alicia Keys song while he was playing. I’ll admit that was a great way to catch our attention. Instead of giving us a typical history lesson, he included a lot of his life experience during apartheid.

A few of his stories caught my attention. The first was when he told us about the tour guide. The tour guide didn’t let his group in because there were three black people. From that point, Tony never stepped foot in that museum. I keep this story in mind because it shows that if you strongly believe something is wrong, you shouldn’t support it. I think he took the right action.

The second life story that Tony told us was about his marriage. It was surprising that he married his wife (classified as "coloured") because of the Immorality Act (which stated you could only be with someone of the same classification). He, along with everyone else, was forced to marry within limitations. Although divorces aren’t supposed to be good, I was pleased to hear that he ended his marriage because according to him he had not married for the right reason.

My mouth dropped when we were discussing how we are conditioned to think certain ways. For example, he said if there were three women (one classified black, one classified coloured, and one classified white) all pretty good looking, he would, without hesitation, choose the white women. When we asked why, the first thing that came to my mind was white privilege. As I predicted, he said because he had been taught to value white as a sign of success.

His story was an overall interesting input on what mental struggles went on amongst the people during apartheid. Not only on past struggles but also on present struggles like trying to uncondition the way one had been conditioned. I feel like I took in much more when visitors came and spoke to us on a personal note. As I feel the emotion from their words, it takes me to that time with them.